아래 글은 "Next Generation Mobile Content" 라는 블로그에서 가져온 것인데 요약하면 안드로이드나 아이폰이 대단하다고 해도 결국 현재 대부분의 휴대폰에 탑재되어 있는 것은 J2ME이므로 개발자로서 그 플랫폼의 중요성을 잊지 말자라는 얘기다.
Yes, there are new shiny platforms like the iPhone and delayed but soon to be launched Android, and yes, you can do great things with those. Things you wouldn't have dreamed about doing in J2ME. But, your users are not necessarily using them. To be exact, whatever your target is, 0% use Android currently.... And as for the iPhone it is true that it has gained a very nice chunk of the smartphones market share in the US (27%), but its global marketshare when you take into account all phones (not just smartphones) is 0.14%...
물론 맞는 얘기다. 하지만 그 내용에 대한 댓글을 보면 내가 하고 싶은 얘기를 잘 얘기하고 있다.
그러면 iPhone 어플리케이션은 왜 팔리는가? 그건 결국 "iTunes"라는 PC Application 때문이다. 이 녀석은
1. Application에 대한 "Discovery", "purchase", "installation"을 모두 단순화시켜준다.
2. 통신비용의 부담도 없이 PC를 통한 Sideloading은 물론, WiFi로 OTA도 가능하고
3. 구매를 할 만한 고객들에게 Application을 전달해주고 있다
아래 다른 사람의 글을 보면 "왜 제조사의 Pre-install도 한계가 있는지 얘기하고 있다.
Dale Larson's comment is completely
spot on. I've talked to app
developers, seen presentations from
3rd party software developers, etc.
and they all say that:
1. You write a great app.
2. Customers don't download it
- awareness?
- mechanism?
- download cost!
3. Handset vendors don't pre-install it
- they take a large $ cut
- pre-qualification fees & process
- security certificate signing
4. Second class citizen problem
- apps don't match native UI L&F
- app lives in its own world; not
part of a continuous UI workflow
Unless you've already bedded in
your brand and got users on-board
(e.g. you are a facebook.com) your
opportunities are low indeed.
I claim that the only way to make
a success of mobile app development
is to first make a success as a
web app, or PC app.
I'm a big fan of Java ME (I worked
at Sun, and also worked at
Esmertec porting the JVM), and
know the complaints because lots
of folks come to us (I work at
Symbian) to complain about the
problems above.
The solution is really something
like the iTunes Music store maybe
with some of the architectural
niceness that Android gives you.
Maybe a hybrid solution will be
forged on the (upcoming) Symbian
Foundation OS.
바로 "Business Ecosystem의 구축능력"이 이슈의 핵심이다. 여러분의 회사는 어떠한 Business Ecosystem을 갖고 있는가?
It's the Business Ecosystem, stupid
2008년 11월 3일
참조 :
The battle of the mobile platforms
It's the economy, stupid
App Store 대박, 역시 이통사 유통구조가 문제였을까?
Business ecosystem
'플랫폼 컨설팅 > Mobile' 카테고리의 다른 글
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This is a technical answer to only part of a business problem.
I think that Apps are the new Singles and AppStore transforms the whole business the way iTunes changed digital music -- talking about digital formats wasn't relevant once there was a complete ecosystem change.
Whatever is done to make it easier to develop apps on J2ME, the problems still exist from the consumer side. No matter how many of those devices are in the field if few apps are going to be purchases on them anyway.
Discovery, purchase, installation and use are still so much more difficult than on the iPhone that sales are severely limited compared to what will be seen with the AppStore. Not to mention the costs of revenue sharing with carriers and the issues dealing with pSMS for developer and consumer alike.
The best reason to develop for AppStore has nothing to do with shiny new technology and everything to do with a good business case to develop with the least hassle to reach the largest possible number of consumers actually likely to find and buy your app with a good percentage of that revenue going to the developer.